Poker Game

Chilled Poker

Top 3 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Texas Hold ‘em Poker

The game of Texas holdem Poker is arguably the most popular variant of poker games currently being played. Most major poker tournaments use this simple to play, yet difficult to master, version of the game and it is certainly very popular on the increasing number of online poker sites.

So, as a beginner to the game, what are the three crucial mistakes to avoid when playing Texas hold ‘em? Listed below are some rookie mistakes that can prove to be costly and which need to be avoided to ensure that your stack keeps growing!

1. Remember, folding is your friend.

There can be nothing more difficult for a novice Texas hold ‘em player to do, than to fold a hand. While it is relatively easy to fold pre-flop, especially if you have committed little or nothing to the pot and have very little in your hand to work with, folding when you have committed a significant amount of money to the pot can seem to the novice to be a waste of money.

In truth, if you hold two strong cards in your hand, but the flop, turn and river produce no help for you and worse still seem to have assisted another player, it is wisest to cut your losses, take the hit and cut and run.

It may seem like a bind, having committed a lot of your stack to the pot, to throw the money away with your cards, but it is better to fold sooner, rather than commit even more and risk losing it all. This could happen if an opponent calls your bluff; which leads us nicely onto the number two mistake beginners to Texas holdem poker make.

2. Don’t be tempted to bluff continually.

Film and television have played a part in making this seem the exciting and dynamic thing to do; where a poker player who has nothing in his hand whatsoever, bluffs his way to a huge win against an opponent sitting on a great hand. This is pure movie fiction. No poker player worth his salt will continue to be taken in by a player who bluffs continually. Eventually, even if you are successful with your first couple, your bluff will be called and you risk losing a large amount of your stack.

For the beginner it is wisest to play what you have in your hand; play the percentages and only what the cards provide you with, rather than what you think you can bluff from other players.

3. Don’t be tempted to bet your entire stack early on in a game.

It may seem tempting, if you have hit a good hand early on in your poker career, to loudly proclaim “all in” and fling your chips into the centre of the table with a flourish. Of course, you may get lucky as a novice player and get the win if the flop is kind, but it is also worth remembering that all but the strongest of hands, can be beaten.

Instead, take your time to play yourself into the game. Play the stronger hands you have sensibly and try and build your stack slowly. Even average poker players will know a player who goes all in is either bluffing, in which case they could be called, or has a good hand and so they will fold and the chance for you to increase your stack goes.

Save going ‘all in’ for when you really need to, when your chips are down and you have little other chance of staying in the game.

So, if you are a beginner, avoid these three rookie mistakes and start to enjoy the game of Texas hold ‘em, you’ll win some and you’ll lose some, but you are guaranteed a fantastic time!

From Early Computer Games to the Online Casino – Technology Moves On

By the time we reached the 1980s, home computer technology and its associated software were booming. Sophisticated 16-bit machines such as the Atari and the Amiga arrived, and the cost of IBM PC compatible computers fell sufficiently for home users to be able to afford them.

Also at this time bulletin board systems became available, which people could access using dial up modems. Although these were quite crude, they did allow users to play some basic games. Initially the interface was based on text but by the late 1980s graphic interfaces had become common.

A new generation of game consoles was marketed during the late 1980s. These packed massive computer power and permitted extremely sophisticated games to be produced, which used three dimensional graphics and which rapidly replaced the previous graphics systems.

Just as More’s law predicts, computer power continued to double every two years and with it the sophistication of computer games that could be run such as Dune II, a remarkably sophisticated game that set the standard for several generations to follow.

In parallel with the development of the home computer game environment, the internet was also being developed and the World Wide Web, invented in 1989, soon became available.

Two software firms had seen the possibilities these developments offered for online casino, and they started developing software systems that would make them possible. Microgaming developed online gaming systems, as did CryptoLogic, who also developed e-cash; a system for carrying out secure online financial transactions. The online casino had been born and the rest, as they say, is history.

Poker is one of those games that has benefited from the move to online casinos.

Avoid the Temptation to Cheat at Online Poker

Online poker is a fun online pastime for millions of people. In fact, the pursuit of playing poker online is so great that there are even books and instructional videos devoted tot he subject, not to mention plenty of blogs and other online guides to help you become a great online poker player. However, when it comes to actually playing the game of poker online, you will want to avoid the temptation to cheat.

Cheating when it comes to online poker can take on many different forms. The most obvious form of cheating at poker is using automated software, but most sits have technology to scan and block this type of cheating. More subtle forms of cheating include teaming up with another person at the table in order to control the play at that table and increase the chances of winning.

The problem with cheating is that eventually, you will get caught and be banned from playing. If you’re serious about making big money with online poker, then you already know this isn’t the way you really want to go.

Cheating has social consequences to consider as well. If you are caught cheating and banned because of it, the chances of you still fitting into the social group that you’ve gotten to know are very slim. Even though online poker is very competitive, it’s also a great way to make new friendships. Most honest players can’t stand to play next to cheaters, and will generally not associate with them once it’s known that they’ve cheated. If the social aspect of online poker is important to you, then you will want to make sure to avoid the temptation to cheat at online poker.

Overall, it’s just a better idea to play poker online as an honest player instead of trying to cheat the system. If you start off on an honest path from the beginning, then you will not have a problem enjoying your online poker hobby for many years to come!

When choosing a casino online make sure they offer a wide variety of casino games including online video poker to ensure a great gambling experience.

Strategy for Texas Hold Em

Texas Hold Em is the game these days, it’s played on all those TV poker shows, in the big tournaments like the World Series of Poker, online and in the casinos. It’s even being played in European and Asian casinos where poker was unheard of less than a decade ago.

The key to winning or at least surviving at Texas Hold Em is to learn a few of the basic strategies used in the game. The best way obviously to learn these strategies is to play a lot of Texas Hold Em. Understanding these strategies can help you stay alive in Hold Em games and set you on the road to victory.

The first and most important skill anyone who wants to win at Texas Hold Em needs to master is the art of taking your time. This means to go slow, don’t bet on every hand, don’t go for broke every time you have a good hand. Instead, sit back and watch the table, watch the cards and most of all watch the other players.

The great poker players of the past became great because they learned how to read other players. To spot patterns of behavior, they learned how to do this by observing the game. By sitting back and watching and only playing aggressively when they had a good hand to back up their bluffs.

Folding and sitting out a hand is the best way to observe your opponents and their behavior. You get a ringside seat to their action, and a chance to watch and to learn about them. Sitting out a number of hands will enable you to take measure of the other players so you’ll know them when you make your move.

The best poker player in the world can’t do a thing if s/he doesn’t have any money to bet with. This means that you should watch your money like a hawk. Keep careful tabs on your chips and count them regularly. Only bet aggressively when you have a lot of money to loose.

Don’t be afraid to fold, no amount of skill or ability at bluffing can make up for a bad or weak hand. If your hand is bad, don’t be afraid to fold. Remember, a new hand is going to be dealt in a few minutes and there are always plenty of other poker games starting.

Finally, watch out for crooked games, if you think something’s fishy or somebody’s winning too much, drop out of that game and find another one. There are lots of crooks and card cheats out there and they’re counting on you to stay in the game so they can get your money.

Spotting a Tell

The most feared word in the language of poker is tell. A tell is a physical trait that indicates a player is bluffing.

Many players spend a lot of time and effort trying to spot tells when they’re playing at a table game. A person who can spot a tell can figure out who is bluffing and who is not. Unfortunately, spotting a tell can be very hard especially for inexperienced players.

The way to learn how to spot tells is to play a lot of poker or watch a lot of poker games from the rail or sidelines and observe players who bluff a lot. Indeed watching a lot of poker from outside the game is probably the best way to learn this because you don’t have the pressure of the cards.

Look closely at the players and see if you can spot anything that’s different when they bluff. Do they move their hands or thump on the table with their fingers? Do they twitch or become nervous? Any of these things could be a tell. So can dilutions and movements of the eyes.

When you’re watching for a tell, you should remember that cards are always the most important thing in poker. Good players always base their bets on their cards and their readings of other players. Always watch the cards first and see how people actually play. Some people only bet or take risks when they have a good hand, others like to bluff a lot.

One obvious tell is that people who aren’t used to lying and bluffing, newbies and those used to playing online get nervous when they bluff. They are in a new environment so that’s a weakness that you can take advantage.

When a player can bluff without getting nervous or displaying an obvious tell, that’s a sign of someone who’s played a lot of poker in their day, perhaps a pro. Always get suspicious when somebody who claims to be amateur or inexperienced bluffs without an obvious tell. Casinos and poker rooms sometimes use pros as shills to increase the stakes of games and their rake. There are also professional players including professional cheats or card mechanics who work home poker games especially big money home games, so be on the look out for them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there is such a thing as a false tell. Experienced poker mechanics have read the poker books and taken the lessons so they know the tells. A mechanic can easily fake a tell in order to convince you that he’s bluffing when he has a good hand. So get suspicious when somebody displays obvious tells but still manages to come up with some good hands. Also, realize that an obvious tell could be a distraction intended to keep you from noticing cheating or stealing from the pot.

Reading Poker Hands

The one skill that every poker player wants to master is reading other poker players’ hands. The art of trying to tell what cards the other players have from the expressions on their faces and their actions.

In reality, the only way to learn this art is to play a lot of poker. To spend hundreds of hours at the table playing hundreds of rounds poker. Now obviously most of us lack the time, the money and the patience to do that. There are a few things that you can learn about reading poker hands.

The first rule of poker is never taken anything for granted, so, remember nothing is certain. Just because you think the other guy has the nuts, doesn’t make it so. He might be a really good bluffer.

One way to learn to read poker hands is to watch a lot of poker. Watch a lot of those TV poker shows particularly the ones with the professional poker players and see what they do. Pay close attention when they bluff, and see what they do when they bluff. That can tell you a lot about how people act. It can help you spot a pro who is pretending to be an amateur player.

Another way to learn to read poker hands is to go to a casino or card room and simply watch other people playing poker. Buy yourself a drink and sit down and enjoy the show. Watch closely and pay attention, especially to the really good players. Watch and see how they bluff and what they do when they have a really good hand.

You should also read poker books and pay attention to expert advice. Many poker players today read poker books and take poker lessons. If you can learn the systems promoted in the books and online, you can deduce some of the bluffs that they plan to make.

When you observe poker, you should watch out for cheating, especially if you’re playing in casinos or card rooms. There are a lot of methods of cheating out there that you should be aware of.

The most common is marked cards, the marking is usually subtle done with nick or tear in the card. This is why most professional poker players ask for a new deck on a regular basis to keep somebody from marking it. Be particularly weary if somebody displays unusual skill at reading poker hands and anticipating other players moves.

Observation is the key to poker and the way to become a good observer is to watch and play a lot of poker.

Learn Poker

Poker looks easy, especially when see the pros play it on TV, or actors play in movies and TV shows. That is probably why poker is so popular; it’s a very easy game to learn and to play.

Many gamblers make the mistake of thinking that they can play poker well enough to make money at it. That is what professional poker players, casinos, gambling halls and online poker rooms are counting on. They know that most poker players think they’re good enough to win money when they’re not.

Just because you can play poker well enough to win a few bucks off your friends at the weekly game or online, this doesn’t mean you’re ready for the big time. If you want to make real money at poker, you’re going to have get really, really good.

The way to do that is to play a lot of poker, as much poker as possible. This means that you’ll have to play hundreds or thousands of hands of poker. That’s how professional poker players do it and its how you’ll have to do it if you want to get good.

A fantastic way for average people to do this is to play online poker. One suggestion play as many of the free online poker games as you can. This way, you can get practice and get better at it. Another suggestion is to join or start a regular poker game and play a lot.

You should also learn as much as you can about the game of poker as you can. There are hundreds of poker bookers, some of them written by the greatest poker players in history Start reading those books and learning from the pros.

Another way to learn from the pros is to watch poker on TV; you can watch some of the greatest poker players in history in your own living room. Watch the TV poker shows as much possible and pay attention. Record the players you really admire and watch their actions closely. Play games you really like over and over again to see what you can learn.

Take advantage of the other poker learning aides out there as well. Many websites have lessons from professional poker players on streaming video. Take those lessons and see if you can learn from the pros. Don’t be afraid to learn and remember learn the basics before you try the expert stuff.

Getting Started in Online Poker

Many, if not most, of the people who get interested in online poker know little or nothing about poker.

Perhaps they played a few hands years of poker ago in college or the military, or on a trip to a casino or they’ve seen poker on TV and in the movies. Either way, these people know little or nothing about poker. They know only a few things about poker and when they actually try to play online, they loose their shirts. That’s exactly what the online poker rooms and professional players want; they want you to loose your money.

Fortunately, it’s never been easier to learn poker and become a good player. There are lots of incredible resources out there that can help you learn how to play poker.

A good place to start is to read a few poker books; Doyle Brunson’s Super System: A Course in Power Poker is still considered the best. Many of the top players have written poker books and have shared a lot of their secrets.

Another great resource a lot of players don’t take advantage of is poker lessons. Many casinos and most online poker rooms have free poker lessons available. There are also streaming video and DVD poker lessons available from some of the best players in the game including Phil Hellmuth, the winner of 11 World Series of Poker titles. Lessons can familiarize you with the basics of the game and help you improve your player.

You should familiarize yourself with poker slang or lingo but don’t get caught up on it. Reading a few good poker books will tell what you need. Concentrate on the game itself, learn the strategy, the plays and the cards.

Remember using a lot of poker slang you’re not familiar with will brand you as a newbie or neophyte player. The sharks will smell this and start circling so don’t do it.

The best way to learn how to play poker is to play a lot of poker. Start playing the free online games as soon as you can and play them a lot. This will familiarize you with the game and give you actual hands on experience. There are also poker computer games that you can play poker against. Some of these are designed to teach you poker, and they can help you get familiar with the basics.

Online players should also play offline. See if you can locate a weekly poker game in your area and join it. If you can’t, see if you can get a game going among your friends and others. If you can afford it, occasionally go and play at a casino or card room. Playing off line will teach you important lessons about the game you can’t get from books or online.

Bluffing Online

Playing online poker presents a lot of challenges you don’t have when you’re playing at the table.

One of the biggest is spotting the bluff; when you’re online you can’t actually see the other players. This means you can’t spot physical tells, you can’t look the other players in the other eyes or see what they’re doing with their hands. Instead, you have to watch their patterns of play and their cards and trust your gut.

A big advantage to online play is that you are forced to watch the cards. Many players get caught up in the trap of trying to “read” the other players and ignore the cards. This gives the players who bet their cards, and only make the occasional bluff, a big advantage.

Watching the pattern of play is the best way to catch bluffing online. Watch the other players closely and when somebody does bluff, take a note a note. Write down what they did and watch them again. Since you’re at home and the other players don’t see you, they can’t complain about what you’re doing.

Keep track of the players you regularly play with, take notes about what they do and look over the notes after the game. Always note when they bluff; some people only bluff when the pot is small or when they have a strong hand. Others bluff all the time, or when they have a lot of chips.

Every player is different and every player has a different pattern of bluffing. If you can spot the pattern of bluffing, you can anticipate their moves. This can help you decide when to bet and when to fold.

Savvy players are aware of these patterns and will deliberately vary them by playing erratically or doing something stupid. They will try to fool you by making a stupid play or trying to bluff you out when they know they don’t have the cards to back it up. Watch out for this erratic play and be particularly leery when somebody who seems really erratic or bad suddenly gets good when there’s a lot of money in the game.

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