Chilled Poker

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Multiple Poker

One of the biggest attractions that online poker has for serious players is that they can play in more than one poker game at once.  Some players even play in several games at once, which enables them to increase their winnings or at least their odds of winning. Multiple poker can be more profitable and more fun if you have the skill and discipline for it.

The first thing you’ll need for multiple poker is the software for it. You will need special software so that your computer doesn’t crash or doesn’t run slow. This kind of software can be found by going online and doing a search. Once installed, this software should enable you to play several games at once and with ease.

Playing multiple poker is very different than playing just one game. You won’t be able to concentrate on the game or the behavior of one set of players. Instead, you’ll need to keep an eye on a number of sets of players. You’ll also need to adjust your screen so that you can watch a number of different tables simultaneously.

Watching several games at once on a standard computer screen would be quite hard. One suggestion for multiple poker players would be to get two screens for your computer. It’s possible to set up two three or more flat screens on a computer fairly easily. This would enable you to see more games in a larger format. Another idea might be to get a really large computer screen.

Multiple poker will require you to change your game and develop new skills. A great way to get ready for playing multiple poker would be to spend some time playing on one of the multiple poker simulators found online. Spend several weeks practicing on these simulators before investing so you’ll get used to playing multiple games.

Only very experienced players who have spent a lot of time competing in online poker should play multiple poker games. If you’re new to online poker, or don’t play a lot, you should avoid multiple poker because it can be hard.

One thing to keep in mind is that you could make some very embarrassing mistakes while playing multiple poker. You could play the wrong hand in the wrong game or miss a hand because you’re concentrating on one game. That means you’ll have to be careful.

The good thing about multiple poker is that you could double, triple, or even quadruple your winnings. The bad thing about multiple poker is that you could double, triple, or quadruple your losses.

How to Spot Cheating at Poker

One of the biggest dangers in poker, especially online poker, is cheating. Every online poker player needs to know how to spot cheating and to be on the lookout for it. This way you can improve your game and win those casino big jackpots.

The vast majority of poker players on and offline are honest and honorable individuals who don’t cheat. Unfortunately, poker attracts its share of sleazy customers who are willing to take illegal and unethical shortcuts to make a few bucks. These characters are just as likely to be operating on line as offline.

It is every player’s responsibility to be on the lookout for cheating. Online poker rooms take a lot of precautions against cheating but cheaters are creative people and they’ll always get in. Don’t just put your faith in the poker room’s safeguards, be on the look out for cheating. Keep in mind that the Ultimate Bet online poker cheating scandal in 2008 was detected by observant betters not the poker room.

So how do you spot a cheater when you’re playing poker online? The first sign of cheating is that somebody is simply winning too much. If another player suddenly starts winning a lot more, then they should get suspicious observation. That’s how the Ultimate Bet scandal was spotted, a number of players simply won too much.

Next, watch how other players behave in the game. For example, if somebody starts acting like they know what cards you’re holding all the time. If somebody always folds when you have a good hand but always calls bluffs, get suspicious. The cheaters at Ultimate Bet used software that enabled them to see other player’s whole cards.

Another kind of online cheating that’s hard to detect is team play. That is two or three players in the game working together. This is hard to spot online because you don’t see the players themselves so you don’t know if they’re sitting next to each other or using something like telephones or online messaging to coordinate their play.

You might be able to spot this if a player folds at a certain time or if players keep raising bets irrationally. A classic team play for players is to raise the betting as high as possible then split the pot after the game.

Pokerbots: this are special computer programs designed to play poker and they should also be kept in mind. These can be disguised as real players at online games. A pokerbot can be programmed to mirror a human player and simply play endlessly. This will make the pokerbots user lots of money because the odds are in its favor. So, if a player is always there or acts mindlessly, get suspicious.

If you do spot or suspect cheating at an online poker room, immediately report it to the poker room’s management. Tell them what you suspect and who you suspect, and if you’ve lost money, demand it back. It’s every poker player’s responsibility to keep the game honest.

Yes, It Really Is Easier to Win At Some Poker Sites than Others

It’s said that not all poker sites are created equal, but this really isn’t a bad thing if you really think about it. Indeed, if you’re really trying to focus on strategy, you’ll find that the subtle nuances between each site can help you win more than if you just assume that you have equal footing across the board. There will be sites that make you feel like winning at poker is like pulling teeth, or trying to go to the moon in a cardboard box. In other words — pretty much impossible.

However, there always seems to be that lucky poker guy in the forums, talking about his big wins. Wouldn’t you want to be that guy? Especially when you find out that he is getting win after win in such a way that you can’t help but classify it as “easy”. Chasing the “easy” win has bankrupted numerous people online, but there’s a bit of a different twist here: it’s all in the type of poker site you pick.

Finding poker sites that are easy to win at boils down to one thing: the presence of fish. These are easy players that don’t have the same amount of poker strategy developed, if they even have any poker strategy developed at all.

Now, you might feel like it’s wrong to take control of fish, but you’re not in poker to be everyone’s friend. When it comes time to sit down at the tables, you’re a player competing against other players for a big pot. You want to win. If that means mowing down fish left and right to get some wins under your belt, so be it. You’ll feel a lot more confident if you can go ahead and do that.

What really attracts fishy players to a poker site is the presence of non-poker games. For example, most sports bettors aren’t going to be really big into poker, but they’ll play it if it means getting another bonus package. Some sites are specific on this: you get a bonus for being a sports betting machine, and you get a bonus for making a deposit for the poker tables. It doesn’t always work like that, but when it does…that’s more fish in the barrel for you to aim your laser-targeted poker strategy gun at — and fire, of course!

Setting the table for weaker players is simple: you want to make sure that they know that you’re the dominant force at the table. Don’t be afraid to get aggressive and use power poker tactics to keep them in line. Whittle their chips away and bust them out as fast as possible. Once they realize that they can’t go in on every hand, they might tighten up their game — or end up giving into the emotional whirlwind of poker. Either way, you’re going to eventually rise up as a winner, and they’re going to slink away, to play poker another day — if they even come back at all.

Ready to get started? Of course you are. After all, when you can win big at the expense of weak players, why wouldn’t you want to get started today?

Poker Tips – Texas Hold’em Playing

Poker is not a simple game to play. It takes great skills and strategy to play and win. You need to have a lot of experience playing the game, before you can actually start betting in large amounts. Some players will pick up on the tips and tricks quite easily than others. It all really depends on the person, and how much of a fast learner they are.

The game of poker is for everyone, but is just a matter of playing it with skill and strategy. If you are an experienced poker layer, you would be more familiar to the tips and tricks we are going to talk about. We will be outlining some tips for poker games, with a small buy in, we are talking somewhere around twenty dollars. If the game you intend to play has a higher buy-in than that amount, you should not take note of the following points. If the game you are playing is of a higher value, the tricks will not have a major helping hand on you. The tips are still quality tips, and they can be used pretty much on any low range tables.

You should be advised of the position you play in. You should always think about what will happen next before you make a move. It is entirely your responsibility to know when to make the move. Poker players have used the tips and tricks and they have concluded that they work well, and it will really help out in any low range value game. If for some reason, the situation or position of the table changes, you would have to make a second decision concerning your moves.

When you go into a poker tournament or game, everyone always says, play your best. This is quite true in all the situations. You should definitely think of playing the best sets, like AK, AJ, AQ and KQ. The suited connectors are a good choice as well. You should be aggressive and not letting anything slips by. The more of an aggressive player you are, the more chances of getting to the top. You would have noticed many of the pro-players are very aggressive players. This advice has been around for ages, and it works just like a charm.

Try not to be very hesitant or shy to make a move. If you are slow, the opponents will catch on to the idea and they would use that against you. Imagine you have the right hand and want to play, and then you really should. When you do, you must make an aggressive bet. If you end up just hanging around to see what occurs later, it will be too late. To show the other opponents that you are a very confident player, you should make a strong bet, which will lead to the opponents to fold. You should aim to get rid of your opponents, because they can always have that special hand and they might have the possibility of winning over you.

Poker is really about thinking. It is quite similar to chess, you have to think about the future and what the next move might or what to expect next. Chess is not risky, unless you’re playing for money, but poker definitely is. In poker tournaments on television, you will witness players going all-in in the beginning stages. It is not so wise to do so. People might tell you to, but you should not, as it is not always a good idea. If you have about one thousand chips, and the current blinks are at twenty-ten, and you hold double aces, you would really think of it. However, you do have a chance of loosing all that, and earning nothing. Let’s say everyone folds, then you will surely end up having about thirty.

The possibility ranges you should think of winning is when it’s about 0.33 or 0.25, not when the chances are slim to none like 0.050. The tips mentioned before us are very easy to comprehend and practice. You should play a fun game with a group of people and just test some poker moves. This is an amazing way to learn the game and get better at it. The hand you receive is major factor which helps you win, so you never know, tonight may be your night!

An Introduction of History of Poker

The source of the game that we nowadays call Poker is doubtful and debated. Almost all researchers have the same opinion that the name Poker derived from the game popqu, which is a French game, which in rotate originates from the sound pochen, which is German ‘ to knock.

It is though uncertain whether Poker actually is relating to the card games where players have to knock the board to mark certain situations. Poker stands a keener similarity to a game called Nas, which is a Old Persian game.

According to some researchers As Nas taught this game to French settlers in the city of New Orleans and later developed into Poker in the United States of America. Poker is also known to look alike a game called Primero, which is a Renaissance game and another name called Brelan, which is a French game. In England, Brelan finally developed into a game known as Brag or Bragg, a card game where the likelihood of bluffing is a significant part of the game, only as in Poker.

One of the previous mentions of Poker is from 1829, when an English performer called Joseph Crowell came across a type of card game in New Orleans where four players utilized decks of 20 cards. The players made stakes and attempted to get an idea which player had the best hand. In 1843, Jonathan H. Green published a book known as ‘An Exposure of the Arts and Miseries of Betting’ where he explained how this game stretched from New Orleans via the riverboats on Mississippi. Playing games was so much popular game on the Mississippi riverboats. As the game extend, the regulations altered and a full deck having 52 cards started to use. One of the greatest rule changes was the introduction of the so-called flush.

Many of the more contemporary poker versions invented throughout the American Civil War, counting Draw Poker and five cards Stud Poker. The straight also introduced during this time. Around 1875 the usage of natural cards is adding. Lowball developed approximately the same time, the split-pot poker was made-up about the turn of the century. The very first poker games involving society cards arose around 1925. A few researches claim the U.S. military are accountable for spreading the game to Asia at the time of wars, where it is nowadays very popular and a natural fraction of the traditional Asian games.

Throughout the 1970’s, the initial World Series of Poker were played which popularized Poker tournaments at the American casinos. This is also the era, when the first solemn Poker books published. Three of the most well-known ones are ‘The Theory of Poker’ in black and white by David Sklansky, ‘The Book of Tells’ by Mike Caro and ‘Super System’ by Doyle Brunson.

These days, poker played around the earth. Poker has grown more and more popular throughout the newest decade, mainly due to the discovery of online poker and the hole-card camera that made the Poker contests much more attractive to watch for non-players.

Learning How to Play the Earning Game – Poker

While poker is both a game of skill and luck as well, it is notable that luck plays a negligible role where a tremendously knowledgeable player rutted against a player who has less knowledge. In addition, part of ‘knowledge in poker’ knows what the odds of winning a particular game of poker are if you have given combinations of cards throughout the game. One more idea is that your probability of winning a poker game will vary according to the odds of the cards held by you.

Without any query, Poker is the most widespread card game in Las Vegas and Internet casinos. Educating how to be familiar with Poker is necessary for anyone looking to have enjoyment and make some money at casinos. Once you come to know the basics of how to play Poker, you can put into practice online and play for fun. The essential rules for most differences of Poker are the similar, so learning how to play Poker will let you to alter your game and obtain more fun from your playtime. Almost people learn how to play Poker by contributing in house games, visiting internet casinos or study live Poker tournaments such as the World Series of Poker.

The initial step in getting education on how to play Poker is to learn by heart the hand ranking. The entity of Poker in only about every difference is to form the highest possible five-card hand. Prior to you figure out any other rules and regulations of how to play Poker, you ought to come to know the hand ranking off the top of your head so you can focus on the game.

There is extra to learning how to play Poker than hand position. You should also make known yourself with the variety of Poker that generally played in casinos.

Draw Poker is one more kind of game you ought to examine in learning how to play Poker. Almost casinos do not provide draw Poker as the odds are best for players, but you can discover draw Poker games in many for-credit Internet casinos. When it comes to draw poker, you can abandon a specific number of cards at the end of the initial deal and then you will be able to get new cards to attain success in the game.

Learning the method of playing Poker will permit you to play the most wonderful card game. When you learn playing Poker, you will be able to develop your bluffing skills and perhaps even search yourself with a seat at the World Series of Poker. Put into practice your Poker skills online or with associates so you can learn all the methods of playing poker. Once you start practicing, it will become easy for you to win the game. Good Luck.

Poker Loser – Some Tips

How would you like to play poker without risking your own money? Many poker sites offers so called  Poker Free roll tournaments, where you don´t need to stake your own money in order to compete.

1. The most important thing in poker is knowing the rules of the game. Remember, you will be playing against sharks and if you don´t know the rules – they will eat you alive. So go through the rules of the game.

2. Nearly all common sign of a Poker Loser is a player who plays weak hands. Slaying your chips on hands which have no possibility of winning is like throwing your money away. Save your money for the right hand.

3. It´s important that you pay attention to other people sitting at your table. Try to “read” their games and you will have the edge against them..

4. Statistics are also important in the game of poker. It´s important that you know your chances of winning a hand.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will be of great use to avoid losing in poker game.

Something you must be familiar with Poker Stars

One of the newest websites to play poker online in the 21st Century is Poker Stars. What makes this site so much visited?

1. The last three World Winner of Poker Champions played on Poker Stars.

Winners are Chris Moneymaker of 2003; Greg Raymer for 2004 and Joe Hachem for 2005 of the World Series of Poker, all of them play on Poker Stars frequently and have for some time. Moneymaker and Raymer in fact won their places to the Main Event during satellites on Poker Stars. If you are searching for chances to sit down with a newest World Series Champion, you will probably want to play on Poker Stars.

2. You can have a cool avatar on Poker Stars.

An avatar is the image that represents you as you play on a poker website. For most of poker sites, the avatar prearranged depending on your seat, or you may be select from a group of likely avatars. Poker Stars in fact lets you to download an icon, which will come into view at your seat as you play. This can be an image of yourself, a favorite dear or pet, or even a sign that you believe represents you best. Of course, your image will have to accept by the site, but if it is in sensibly good taste, that is what people will see when they cooperate against you.

3. You can obtain cool material on Poker Stars

Poker Stars provides Frequent Player Points, which can bought back for merchandise. As you might guess, the extra you play, the extra points you earn. The Regular Player Points stock-up present Poker Stars with poker chips, garments, poker study materials, tournament entries and much more.

4. You can obtain cooler stuff on Poker Stars.

Poker Stars at the present offers a VIP club, also produced the money through frequent play on the site. The VIP club provides free of cost roll tournaments with big prizes and higher end merchandise too like iPods and travel packages.

5. Poker Stars has Subjects

Do not like the look of the site? Poker Stars provides a various different theme skins, letting you to select different backgrounds, colors and fonts for your visual enjoyment.

These are some of the qualities, which make Poker Stars one of the most popular sites in the online poker universe. Will it be your site of choice? If you like what you see here, give it a shot and find out.

Hope, you might have understood the specialty of the poker stars. So, start using this website for playing poker.

Improve Your Poker Playing with Poker Forums

We all know there is an endless amount of poker forums on the web that have a huge combined membership.  However, what is the reason for their large popularity gain?  And is it true they are helpful for improving poker skills?

Absolutely.  These online venues ‘ poker forums ‘ let players collaborate and exchange tips and useful information.  However, they are not just a place for amateurs; professional players are also seen in poker discussion forums as many top players worldwide take the time out to dispense advice.

So if you have questions that needs answers or ways to improve your poker playing, considering hopping on an internet poker forum.  And if you feel embarrassed by asking questions about playing the game, do not be.  It is commonplace and one of the main reasons behind poker forums.  Besides getting advice regarding playing, you can also read other people’s opinions on various casinos ‘ online or offline.

Poker forums are also good for finding out when the best times to play at certain casinos are.  Were you aware that some casinos have varying odds that change according to the time of day?  Knowing when you can make the most money is highly important to the success of your poker endeavors.  Do your research so you can enter any casino fully prepared.

Perhaps the most attractive aspect of internet poker forums is the fact that membership and the expert advice that comes with it is free.  Many times you will receive an answer to your question within minutes of posting.  But if you do not feel like posting a question of your own, you can search previous postings to try and find a similar one.  On the flip side, if you have made a successful career out of playing poker, you can use your expertise to make valuable contributions to an online forum and further establish yourself as a professional in the poker arena.

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